Calling small businesses from Reading area: Don’t miss the Thames Valley Expo on the 10th of October at Green Park, Reading. With Brexit on our doorstep and still uncertainty about the outcome, find out what you can do to prepare your business for ALL EVENTUALITIES.

By attending our FREE BREXIT MASTERCLASS you will be able to take the necessary steps to Brexit-proof your business.
Trade expert and keynote speaker Marcus Broix explains the effects of Brexit on small and medium sized companies. He advises on hands-on solutions for the most frictionless trade with the EU 27 states and farther afield.
Don’t let trade barriers affect your business! Find out how you can proactively bypass (most of) them.
Including a Q&A session for your specific queries. Book your free ticket today!
Trade with Europe helps UK businesses to export. Our cross-border services include a network of service providers, such as fulfilment warehouses, e-commerce specialists, accountants, lawyers, etc. in the UK, but also in the Netherlands and Germany.
We also offer ready-made solutions for UK businesses to legally trade in the EU, even after Brexit.
The Masterclass will be held at:
Thames Valley Expo
Green Park
100 Longwater Avenue
Reading, RG2 6GP
Thursday 10th October 2019 10.00am – 3:00pm
Book your tickets today (Limited spaces available)