EU Authorised Representative & Responsible Person
Stay compliant with all your sales to Europe
How we can help:
Non-EU traders selling non-food products to consumers in the EU need to appoint an EU Authorised
Representative (also referred to as EU Economic Operator, EU Representative for Market Surveillance
and Compliance or EU Responsible Person).
We offer such a representation, so you can stay compliant regarding all your European sales.This includes most products that require CE marking or cosmetics.
We offer all you need:
EU Authorised Representative
EU Responsible Person (for cosmetics)
EU Economic Operator
EU Representative for Market Surveillance and Compliance ​​
We also offer Importer of Record and VAT services:
I-OSS (Import-One-Stop-Shop)
OSS (One-Stop-Shop) VAT returns
Fiscal Representation (various types)
If you would like to know how we can help with your EU trade, book in for a free business consultation or simply email or call us on +44 (0)117 32 58 320.